
Monday, July 26, 2010

Charlie and Mama

Hmmm...we don't really look alike yet, waiting for those blue eyes to turn brown!
Just Charlie and Mama hanging out today! We have had a good day doin' the stuff mama's and babies do...Napping, diaper changing, chatting, eating, spitting up, you know, the usual.


Grammie said...

She looks a little like "Yertle the Turtle" in that second picture! So cute!!

Todd, an uncle said...

She looks like Benjamin Button's "younger" sister in that second picture!!

Don't worry, once she starts aging backwards she'll fill out that loose skin and regain some color in her complexion...

And then she'll turn back into a baby.

Becca and Jordan Duvall said...

Todd, be nice! Her "old lady arms" are starting to fill out!