
Tuesday, May 19, 2009

We Adopted a Puppy!!!

Today we welcomed a new addition into our home -- She has no name yet!! We are debating between Chauncey (Barring tonights Nuggets Game) and Ruby - Please feel free to weigh in!!
We have wanted another pup for a while now and have recently been stalking the Yavapai Humane Society website. Lo and behold, Jordan was looking yesterday and a litter of puppies were surrendered to the shelter because the owner could not afford to keep them.
They says she's a shepherd/terrier/corgi - To me, she plain cute!!! She has more wiry hair and is very petite. Wallace has been in a tizzy all day, shaking and slobbering with excitement. She has snipped at him a couple times. I think we have a new Alpha dog!


Shelley said...

How cute is she! I love that you adopted! I'm voting for Chauncey...I work wih dogs and know too many Rubies...you have to be unique you know! Echo just turned a year and I am wishing I could get another puppy already but I dont want to be one of those crazy dog ladies! Have fun!
PS...Brian votes for Chauncey too!

jessie said...

Two votes for Chauncey from our household.

Jody said...

Cute pup! You know where my vote lies... Go Nugs!

Whitney Duvall said...

Soooo cute! I know I am going against the majority but I do NOT vote for Chauncey (Though I do respect him as the sweatiest player in the NBA). How about you name her "Denver" and her middle name could be "Nugget".....???genius