
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

3 months

The Teddster -- Teddy Edy-- Big Guy -- Little Man -- Stinker -- 13 lbs. of Joy

He eats...a lot.

He smiles...a lot.

He is still putting up with his sister's shenanigans...a lot.

We love him...you guessed it... a lot.


Grammie said...

What a little rock star in his flaming guitar shirt! Looks like he is outgrowing his laundry basket!

Uncle Todd said...

speaking of laundry baskets- can we get some photos of Charlie lying contentedly in a basket? Or, more likely, imprisoned in an upturned basket? -just sayin.

Becca and Jordan Duvall said...

Todd, we'll just see what we can do about about a Charlie Trapped piece.